You put in a stream crossing because you want to get to the other side, but...
The real benefit of a stream crossing is to
Keep the water in the stream clean
Cows will not tear up the stream banks
Less manure will get into the stream
Equipment will not tear up the stream bed and banks when you cross
Trees and grass will grow along the stream and keep the water cooler and cleaner

Your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office has experienced conservationists that can assist you with a stream crossing. They can also help you develop a Conservation Plan to solve other problems you have identified on your farm. There is no charge for our assistance. Simply call your local office at the number listed below to set up an appointment and we will come to your farm. You may also be eligible to receive financial assistance, through a state or federal program. Your NRCS office will explain any programs that are available so you can make the best decision for your operation. All NRCS programs and services are voluntary.