
Better Health with Grass Finished Beef and Milk
When we eliminated grain, we also added a new market for our milk and milk products. People sought us out for our grassfed milk products.

Lactation and the Let-down Factor in Dexters
There are similarities and stark differences between the Dexter and other breeds of milking cows regarding lactation and the let down...

Transitioning An Older Cow To A "Family Milk Cow"
You can have a trained Family Milk Cow in about 80 minutes total time invested:  10 minutes or less twice daily for 4 days.

Training a Family Cow The Gentler Way
Gentle ways to transition and teach your Dexter heifer or cow to be relaxed in the stanchion and milking parlor. Part 1

The Return of the Milkman
Demand for the old delivery system has skyrocketed amid COVID-19.

10 Tricks to Stop Your Milk Cow from Kicking
Dexter delicious milk! Ever tried it? If not, why not?
Helpful tips for cow and milker!