
Build a Stream Crossing
Five benefits of a stream crossing... besides getting to the other side

Getting Ready For Winter
Cold weather prep falls into 3 categories: cattle, the ranch and YOU. Use these lists to get those jobs done now.

Planning Land or Farm Improvements? Cost Share With an EQIP Grant
Everyone wins when we small farmers do our part to save the environment. Using an EQIP grant allows "everyone" help pay for that effort.

Supporting Causes that Support Us
PDCA is a proud to become a sponsor of The Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. Legitimate organizations that take up the cause for the...

7 Tips for Better Farm Photos
Great photos do not require a fancy camera, but they are no accident. The secret is in planning ahead and being prepared.

Truck & Trailer check before you haul
Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Transportation educator, Allen Wiggins stresses, “Start at the front of the truck and go back. "